Orca Slicer Not Working: How To Fix It?

If Orca Slicer not working, there might be several reasons. Orca Slicer is a famous slicing software that can produce high-quality prints. This guide will discuss why Orca Slicer is Not Working and how to fix it. So, explore the guide and get the complete information about it.

Orca Slicer Not Working

Orca Slicer Not Connected To Printer


If you are facing a 404 error when sending files, there may be configuration issues. You can fix these issues by following the below steps.


  • First, ensure the IP address of the slicing software to transfer the files.
  • Also, make sure your computer and printer are connecting to the same network.
  • Also, make sure that Fluidd is configured to accept uploads of the external slicer.
  • Now, upload sliced files manually and save them to your computer.

Orca Slicer Is Not Opening


After downloading and opening Orca Slicer, sometimes it did not open. To resolve this issue, follow the steps below.

  • If the software does not work, then you need to restart your computer.
  • Also, make sure you are using the latest version of Orca Slicer software.
  • You are making sure, you are using updated drivers.
  • Also, use the antivirus to your antivirus’s exception list.
  • After completion of the above steps, then you need to check Orca Slicer logs.

Partial Slicing, Spiral Mode Error


As we are discussing Orca Slicer is Not Working, you may face users experiencing an issue where Orca Slicer only slices half of the file. Then, you can easily fix it by following the below steps.


To fix the problem mentioned above, search “OrcaSlicer” on your computer. Then you need to delete the old setting and clear it. Now, reinstall the Orca Slicer and open it. I hope the Orca Slicer works fine. Otherwise, go to the next step and also fix the below issues.

Orca Slicer Complexity Crash


The Orca Slicer may crash to create complex designs. You can fix it by following the below steps.


  • Use the  Nvidia Game Ready drivers to protect software from crashing.
  • Close unnecessary programs and tabs to free up the RAM.
  • Now, you need to simplify the model by reducing the triangle.
  • After this, test slicing on the other computer and test out the problems.
  • Also, it monitors memory and CPU usage.

By following these steps, you can process complex designs with ease and improve performance.

Orca Slicer Not Saving Settings


Sometimes Orca Slicer does not save the settings due to certain reasons. To fix this problem, follow the below steps.


  • Create and optimize your profile and “Save” it by clicking on the icon.
  • You should also use the latest beta version.
  • Reset the configuration files and optimize them.
  • Now, go to the file and check the presence by the “Auto-sync user presets” option.
  • If you face the issues still, then contact “OrcaSlicer Support”.

Orca Slicer Not Working On Mac


If Orca Slicer not working on Mac, then follow the below steps.


  • Go to /Users/{your username}/Library/Application Support and find the OrcaSlicer folder.
  • After this, launch OrcaSlicer again.
  • Also, use the latest beta version to get the right printing results.
  • Now, install the Homebrew software management on Mac.
  • Also, install the Orca Slicer again by using Homebrew with the command.

By following the above steps, you can fix the issues easily.

Non-Planar Slicing In Orca Slicer


When we use non-planar slicing, then we may face errors. You can fix these errors by following the below steps.


  • Download and install the latest Orca beta version.
  • Also, make sure non-planar slicing is enabled.
  • Use the slicing preview to identify the models.
  • Also, test out the different filaments and use the best material.

If you are facing more issues, then discuss Orca Slicer Github support.


In this guide, we have discussed Orca Slicer not working. We have discussed multiple issues that we have faced with the printing tool. The most common problems that we have faced are the Orca Slicer Not Connected To the Printer, the Orca Slicer Not Opening and many more. In this guide, we have pointed out these issues and their solutions. Therefore, this guide is helpful for both beginners and advanced users.

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